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Poet and writer Towfiq Sultan's book Hridoy Theke Rochitoy is available - Sokalerkotha.Com | স্পষ্টভাষায় সংবাদ প্রকাশে অঙ্গীকারবদ্ধ

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Poet and writer Towfiq Sultan's book Hridoy Theke Rochitoy is available

Author Towfiq Sultan brings to the poetry-loving book-thirsty readers ( Hridoy Theke Rochitoy)  "Written from the Heart" excellent poetry along with wonderful writing in simple presentation. All the poems in this book are wonderful. Publisher SM Jasim Bhuiyan said that I would like to say to the dear reader that while preparing the manuscript of the book, the poet wanders with fascination in the poem, the reader will also get satisfaction from reading the poem.Author Taufik Sultan's book of poetry from the heart is now available as an e-book version with book cover by SM Jasim Bhuiyan. Poet and writer Towfiq Sultan (BN- আল তৌফিকী)  (Ar : التوفيقي)  [EN- Al Towfiqi] February 4, 1999 (bangla : Thursday, 21 Magh 1405 Bangabd) 17th Shawal, 1419 AH: Born in Barishab village under Kapasia Upazila of Gazipur District, Bangladesh.

Poet Towfiq Sultan is the eldest child of Abdul Karim and Fatema Begum,his father Abdul Karim a former teacher of Islam Taj Balika Dakhil Madrasa.

Poet Towfiq Sultan hopes to meet Allah by being among the beloved servants of Allah. He wants to be a pioneer in good works. Seeking and attaining true knowledge to gain the satisfaction of the great creator, working for the welfare of humanity with honesty and justice, dreams of building a beautiful society.  He want to work to make people's life easier forever.

He is the special correspondent of the widely publicized "Daily Alor Sandhan"

He poems,rhymes Besides writing Daily newspaper kalbela,The Daily Ittefaq,SAMAKAL,Alokito Bangladesh,sangbad,The Daily Sangram,Daily Inqilab,eyenews,Kaler Kantho Newspaper,Daily Nayadiganta,Bhorer Kagoj, Jaijaidin Newspaper,sokalerkotha,Dainik Bangladesh,deshantor,The daily anandabazar,Deshrupantor,Agami News,Jagonews24,lakhokantho,The Daily Sangram,Jugantor,Prothomalo including Bangladesh Bulletin Wrote reports, features and columns in various newspapers.

Poet Towfiq Sultan is the Chief Executive Director of Welftion Human Welfare Association, also the founder of Welftion Love Of WelfareLibrary and Al Tawfiqi Family.

Poet, fiction writer, assistant upazila education officer Mr. Zahid Hossain Molla said that the name of poet, storyteller and essayist Taufiq Sultan is very popular nowadays. Besides writing poems, rhymes, he also writes features and columns in daily newspapers.In addition, he is currently writing essays and novels and short stories, which he hopes will be published in book form in the near future. The first two poems from the Qur'an are taken from the poetry book 'Written from the Heart'. ( হৃদয় থেকে লেখা / রচিত)  Here basically seeking shelter from the creator is praised. In the poem 'Relationship of Mathematics with Life' the poet says, 'If the number symbols think of hard work / Process symbols think of luck' I like this poem very much. He gave a beautiful explanation of the similarity of life through mathematics.In the poem 'Cranial Nerve Number 7', the poet says, 'Your lack is like the seven colors of the cranial nerve coming out of the brain.' Finally, I will say that the poem ( হৃদয় থেকে রচিত / লেখা)  'Written from the Heart' is an excellent creation of the poet Tawfiq Sultan. I hope this book of poetry will become permanent in Bengali literature.

Rokomari : https://www.rokomari.com/book/author/101413/taufiq-sultan

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